Not like honey that gather from flowers, Royal Jelly is a milky white substance specially produced by worker bees to givr food to the queen bee from her larval to adult life. The worker bees combine honey and bee pollen with enzymes in the glands of their throats to create the jelly, an extraordinary and only nutrition source for the queen bees and called “milk of bees”.
So what does this ‘milk of bees’ contain that provides such power to the queen bee? Royal Jelly is actually a creamy secretion originate from the pharyngeal glands of the honeybee. Royal Jelly contains all eight essential amino acids plus ten of the secondary amino acids.
- These are list advantages of amino acid:
- Amino acids have role in natural healing by build cells and repairing tissue to promoting self healing.
- Amino acids, still in natural healing, form antibodies to combat invading bacteria and viruses.
- Amino acids are part of the enzyme and hormonal system; they build nucleoproteins (RNA and DNA); they carry oxygen throughout the body and participate in muscle activity.
- Amino acids have been found to be extremely useful in weight control, depression fighting, muscle building, proper hormonal activity, and proper function of the immune system.
- Amino acids are necessary for growth and cellular replication throughout the body
Royal jelly also contain notable amounts of the minerals copper, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon and sulphur.
Royal Jelly is also increasingly becoming more and more popular as a beauty bee product. Women all over the world also have used it for its beauty benefits for centuries.
What another advantages do we really receive if we consume Royal Jelly? This ‘milk of bees’ improve the body’s metabolism. Due to that we can believe to notice, in natural healing, royal jelly increased energy and rapid recovery from tiredness. Other reported benefits include relief from stress and pre-menstrual tension, a reduction in cholesterol, and an improvement in skin texture. Another benefit attributed to Royal Jelly in natural healing is that its aids in cell regeneration. Royal jelly support self healing againt diseases caused by tissue or cell degeneration.
Taken From Crystal X
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